NextGen Spotlight: Durrell Baxter
What’s up my dudes, my name is Durell Baxter. My art is all about witnessing a journey to a destination you weren’t hoping you take, but you’re glad you’ve found. Traveling to the depths of my mindscape to see the world from my perspective. Understanding that each piece is not just an ordinary surreal/realistic portrait of an imaginary scenario, but a memoir of a series of events that represents me, my interests, my experiences, my friends, things I see, hear, think about, talk about and are transformed into my characters and backgrounds.

My slogan for my art is, “Embrace the Trippy.” When I use the term, “Embrace the Trippy,” it doesn’t just mean to be mesmerized with the sometimes-psychedelic nature of my color scheme, imageries, or backgrounds, but to understand what I say when I present the art. What people say is just as important as the art itself because it adds depth and recognition to the artist. When I present the art and talk about it, I tell the viewer about my poetic, philosophical, and enlightening way that gives them a sense of relatability. And if what I am speaking does not abide by them specifically, they still can understand what I’m talking about in relation to the art itself. When the viewers look at my art, listen to my instrumentals, and listen to what I say about each piece, it makes them say “wow, that’s trippy.” Hence, the slogan. They may feel the statements. The statements may resonate with their interest, personality, taste, and current or past experiences. As if they were in the space with me when the pieces happened or were created.

Other than that, I create for the fun, the passion, the ambition, the humor, and the knowledge, to continue the path that I am on. I create to be recognized as the visionary that I am. I have ambitions to get my art into galleries, have people that vibe with my style to buy my art, meet other artists, be featured in magazines, meet famous artists I’ve looked up to for years, and continue from there. To see what else can happen from there…